This blog was born out of UConn football, by now you already (hopefully) know that. But apparently, and this is just what I’ve been told, UConn also has a basketball team. It turns out that giant dome in the middle of campus is not just so the football team can run stadiums at 6am in inclimate weather. Go figure. This year instead of live-blogging March Madness for the hacks at NESN I went to Vegas for the first weekend, Jersey for the Final Four, and now for the championship game? I’ll be at Ted’s Bar in Storrs if you’re on campus, you pretty much need to be there. Come for the drink specials, make a donation to V Foundation, and stay for the riots.
SI can remember when UConn won it all in 2004, and despite my girlfriend’s cousins thinking I was still in school (God bless your heart, Olivia), even an old-washed-up-fucker like me can appreciate what the atmosphere will be like on campus: Win or lose, they’ll booze. So drive, swim, walk, run to campus. This is gonna get ugly awesome
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