Brett Favre and The Crack Back Block Heard ‘Round the World

You know what I’m not even mad at Favre for this, sure it was a preseason game, and sure it was illegal.  But in Favre’s defense he’s been moving around so much in the past few years, I’m not sure he knows which way is up anymore.  He’s like some Army brat hopping from base to base, and now he’s acting out.  Instead of  rebelling against his father,going goth and piercing his eye brow,  Favre signed with the Vikings, and alienated all of Wisconsin.

Not to mention was this even illegal when Favre started playing football….

Prett Favre, Rookie, Atlanta Falcons

Brett Favre, Rookie, Atlanta Falcons

Readers Comments (1)

  1. Brett Favre. The very mention
    of that name gets my goat!

    (But thanks to the guys at
    Tires Plus who rescued him.)


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