Friday Morning Wake Up: Fat Kids In The Sandbox


Jeep was holding this contest on Twitter, so that you could win a new Jeep Islander.  Despite the fact that Jeep has killed the Wrangler, they are producing “new” spin-offs.  Anyway, above is the contest winner, who tweeted himself into the “Key Dig”:  He had to dig through a box of sand for the key, along with several other competitors.  Key, Sand, Jeep ISLANDER, get it?  Good.  Well, I’m sure no one counted on our big boned friend here winning, or else they would have had T shirts that actually fit.  Congrats to the big man for winning a free car, but note to self: Change shirts before next photo op.


In case you were wondering, Yes I am still bitter about selling my Jeep Wrangler a year ago. Very bitter.

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  1. Happy Zombie Jesus Day!


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