Cutest Thing You’ll See Today (Followed By Ignorant Email)

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Love the blog, blah blah blah, I’m fat too.  Anyway, here’s’ this video ofa 6 year old girl pumping herself up in the mirror.  Don’t know if you do a caption contest but, if you do I’d like to title this one “Do you thing she realizes she’s a girl?” or “She’s obviously never heard of the glass ceiling”

Keep fighting the good fight


I’m not going to sit here and pretend that FWG is some champion of women’s rights, but I’ve got a girlfriend, a mom, and a handful of sisters.  So when someone drops the “inequality bomb” all over this littler girl’s cuteness, I get pissed.  I mean who is to say that this girl won’t grow up to be a loving housewife or waitress?  Maybe even someday, if she’s lucky, a school nurse.  See, it’s simple minded people like Dave that really make think about calling it quits on this whole blogging thing, but someone has to do the Lord’s work.

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