For six years, six long and frustrating and often confusing years I’ve toiled with the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815. I’ve watched them get shot, find water, make IV’s out of sea urchin, survive asthma attacks using menthol. I’ve watched them regain use of their legs, get kidnapped by clouds of black smoke, shoot polar bears in the jungle. I’ve watched them lose use of their legs, chase after dogs in the woods, find giant hatches, and discover hydrogen bombs. I’ve watched them regain use of said lost (formerly regained) leg usage, and I’ve watched them travel through time (I think).
What I have NOT watched is how this all ends. That’s right, I missed the last episode last night. Over the last 6 years I have not missed one episode, not one. I’ve even re-watched the first five seasons (thanks Netflix!). I had some pressing matters, like setting up the girlfriend’s dad’s home media network (yeah I just nerded out, deal with it).
So now today my job is not blogging hilarity for all of you (yes, I know I do it well), it’s trying to navigate the web with blinders on. Do you have any idea how tough that is? Not to mention my roommate watched the entire thing last night and the entire ride home was trying to tell me what happened. I’m currently downloading the episodes, but they won’t be done for a few hours, so where does that leave me? I tried watching Sports Center, boom LOST reference. Opened up Yahoo!…another reference. Even my Mom called to talk about it.
I’m literally afraid to navigate to my favorite websites (Alas, I won’t be seeing you today either, Deadspin).
I’ve received several emails titled “LOST, what did you think” or similar. I don’t know what to think, actually. I’ve been a dedicated fan for over 6 years and I’ve missed arguably the most important episode of all time. So, I’m going to post this and I’m sure all of you will try and comment and ruin it for me, so I’ve turned off commenting.
I’ll be back later but today is a miserable day.
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