Wake Up! And watch Seymour blast Roethlisberger

Nov 11, 2010 Big Ben to have easier day: Pittsburgh QB Ben Roethlisberger is going to have an easier time on Sunday of Week 11 against the Raiders. [CBS Sports]

…Yeah?  How’d that prediction pan out?

College co-eds don’t pack a punch like Seymour, eh Big Ben?  He just turns around and it’s ‘say good night.’  The Raiders’ mind-numbing loss (35-3) is already history.  Give that man the golden glove award.

PS:  Good job America.  I thought we were over the Bieber Fever.  An “AMA Breakthrough Artist” award – really?

Russell Brand is ready to slip this bitch a Jeffrey.

Russell Brand is ready to slip his boo a Jeffrey.

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