The Rook Presents an HR Nightmare

Take that, mass-killer-slash-tyrant-ruler!!  Toiling in your rat infested, communist sweat shops – bah!  I’d rather risk my life for the World’s Biggest Snoozefest that I can stream online anyways!

A lesson in playing hooky: just yesterday I fell terribly ‘ill’…typical case of the Mondays…and did nothing but kick it on the futon, pick at a couple of Strasburgers leftover from the father’s day bbq, and then spilled Genny Light all over my new pedicure cause I totally found the next big thing:

HAMILL – Official Teaser from Hamill the Movie on Vimeo.

Jackpot.  Disney has met its black-orphaned-offensive-tackle, underdog-championship-bball-team, Titan-remembering match.  Because Hamill is about a deaf UFC wrestler.  I’m just a regular HR nightmare.  What.  Now.

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