Call it a fad, or call it getting-mono-at-age-23-and-not-having-adult-beverages-at-the-start-of-football-season. But how can you not love a drink with flavors like Triple XXX?
Doesn’t it suggest the killer road raging flow of juices and sassy attitude (or “bad-ittude”) it’s gonna give you? Of course it does!
Now I’ve been loyal to Gatorade for years – holla RipTide Rush. Can’t forget the essential dumping of Gatorade all over Coach when you win the championship. So what, you ask, brought about this change of heart? Ohhh about a week ago I was on my morning coffee run:
The large hazelnut, with caramel swirl, comes to $2.06 total. I hand the drive-thru girl $20.25. Drive-thru girl chings the cash register, leans back out the window and gives me $15 back as my change. I sit and stare…”wait. what?” I politely request for the three additional dollars she owes (which is legible on the register because it does the math for you). She opens the register and hands me two. At this point I’m a few fries short of a Happy Meal. OMGGGG – insert mcdonald’s drive thru chicken nugget meltdown.
In all efforts to boycott said coffee establishment, it made sense to fall back on good ol’ Gatorade.
G’s just not hittin the spot anymore. Because now you have to buy some lube or gel or whatever to ‘prime’ yourself with pregame fuel. Then you get to have regular Gatorade. And thennn get totally bloated with the ‘recovery’ nonsense they’re preaching you. Not to sound like a total girl but DO YOU KNOW how may empty calories that is?? Plus the VW was on sale. Don’t judge.
Time to revive and accessorize. Move over Gatorade, mama’s found a new fixxx.
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